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SKU: 0600753354575
A&M Records
Progressive Rock
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"With Breakfast in America, Supertramp had a genuine blockbuster hit, topping the charts for four weeks in the U.S. and selling millions of copies worldwide; by the 1990s, the album had sold over 18 million units across the world. Although their previous records had some popular success, they never even hinted at the massive sales of Breakfast in America. Then again, Supertramp's earlier records weren't as pop-oriented as Breakfast. The majority of the album consisted of tightly written, catchy, well-constructed pop songs, like the hits "The Logical Song," "Take the Long Way Home," and "Goodbye Stranger." Supertramp still had a tendency to indulge themselves occasionally, but Breakfast in America had very few weak moments. It was clearly their high-water mark." - Allmusic

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  • Here's another one of those great German bands that fell through the cracks but thanks to Long Hair Music, their music is available for us to hear.  For Example was a large scale ensemble HEAVILY influenced by Chicago Transit Authority.  Notice I mentioned CTA as opposed to Chicago - this was not commercial music like the later incarnations.  For Example also utilized a horn section to excellent effect but also like their US counterparts there is killer guitar work all over this material.  Vocals are present but the music is predominantly instrumental.  So basically excellent jazz rock with killer guitar leads.This set consists of a session the band recorded for SWF Radio in 1973 as well as unreleased demos from 1972 while they were shopping for a record deal that never came.  Highly recommended.
  • "The first Mahavishnu Orchestra's original very slim catalog was padded out somewhat by this live album (recorded in New York's Central Park) on which the five jazz/rock virtuosos can be heard stretching out at greater length than in the studio. There are only three selections on the disc, all of which were to have been on the group's then-unissued third album -- two of them, guitarist John McLaughlin's "Trilogy: Sunlit Path/La Merede la Mer" and keyboardist Jan Hammer's "Sister Andrea," are proportioned roughly as they were in their studio renditions, while the third, McLaughlin's "Dream," is stretched to nearly double its 11-minute studio length. Each develops organically through a number of sections, and there are fewer lockstep unison passages than on the earlier recordings. McLaughlin is as flashy and noisy as ever on double-necked electric guitar, and Hammer and violinist Jerry Goodman are a match for him in the speed department, with drummer Billy Cobham displaying a compelling, raw power and dexterity to his work as well, especially on the CD edition, which also gives bassist Rich Laird a showcase for his slightly subtler work. Yet for all of the superb playing, one really doesn't hear much music on this album; electricity and competitive empathy are clearly not enough, particularly on the 21-minute "Dream," which left a lot of fans feeling let down at the end of its side-two-filling run on the LP. In the decades since this album was released, the studio versions of these three pieces, along with other tracks being worked up for their third album, have appeared as The Lost Trident Sessions -- dating from May and June of 1973 -- thus giving fans a means of comparing this repertory to what the band had worked out (or not worked out) in the studio; and Between Nothingness and Eternity has come up a bit in estimation as a result, benefiting as it does from the spontaneity and energy of a live performance, though even that can only carry this work so far -- beyond the personality conflicts that broke up the band, they seem to have been approaching, though not quite reaching, a musical dead end as well." - Allmusic
  • Budget price nicely slipcased two CD set from this important Dutch garage/beat-psych band.  Includes "Outsiders" and "CQ"."But first I would like to answer a question you may be asking yourself: what's so special about these Outsiders anyway? That's a tough question, as tastes are an opinion, but I'll try to explain: in the mid sixties many bands were "digesting" their late 50's / early 60's influences forever transforming the face of "pop" music. But while in the vast majority of the bands this process was evident, when the Outsiders started recording they were already a step further. Moreover, the Outsiders quickly developed a very personal - and immediately recognizable - style. And, they never recorded a cover! While I'm sure other examples must exist, I can't think of another sixties band (that made any decent number of records) that managed that.But let's go on with the history. Wally Tax, the Outsiders' singer, said that he dreamed of the Outsiders in 1959 as a reincarnation of Buddy Holly (remember, Holly died that February). In 1960, Jimmy Revon and the Outsiders were born. This band already featured the definitive Outsiders' song writing team: Wally Tax and Ronnie Splinter (who were only 12!). The "real" Outsiders began playing together in 1964, the line-up consisting of: Wally Tax (born in 1948, Voice), Ronnie Splinter (1948, Lead Guitar), Leendert "Buzz" Bush (1947, Drums), Appie Ramers (1946, Bass), Tom Krabbendam (1948, Guitar).In 1965, the Dutch beat-magazine Muziek Expres launched its own label and, at the end of the year, released the first Outsiders single: "You Mistreat Me /Sun's Going Down". "You Mistreat Me" is probably the reason why the Outsiders were labeled as the "Pretty Things of Holland", even if they quickly outgrew this comparison. The song is a very wild number and its "feel" is very reminiscent of the Pretty Things' "Rosalyn", but with a difference (which is one of the Outsiders' trademarks): Wally Tax doesn't shout!The energy behind the Outsiders' music is often described as "latent violence" and I couldn't agree more! The combination of Ronnie's bone-crunching riffs and Wally's deep, calm and moody voice creates a contrast which charges the listener up with a frustrating energy, desperate for release. The flip side shows their slower, more "romantic" side and marks the emergence of another Outsiders' trait: the ability to write GREAT ballads. Most of the garage / beat band of the sixties were able to write great "punk" songs, but their slower numbers were often lame, good only to flirt at parties (well, they weren't so bad after all....!). Instead, The Outsiders' ballads are so deep and intense that they're almost disturbing, as Wally's soulful voice hits you straight in the heart while Ronnie's guitar wrings your stomach.In 1966 Muziek Expres published the band's second single: "Felt like I Wanted To Cry / I Love Her Still, I Always Will". Again, an R'n'B stomper on side A and a heartfelt ballad on side B. But, although being wonderful, these singles were only an appetizer for the wonders to come.At this point of their career the Outsiders were famed for being the most violent band of the country (both musically and physically) and so were their fans and followers, to the point that the band was banished from many clubs. I don't know to what extent this is true, but The Outsiders were certainly wild looking, especially because of their incredibly long hair. Again, I think this fame damaged rather than helped them, as labels always cause the real value of a band to be overlooked.As their fame grew, The Outsiders started to draw interest from other record labels. Later in 1966, they signed with Relax Records (a subsidiary of classical music label Iramak) and Relax co-owner John B. Van Setten became their manager. The relationship between the Outsiders and Van Setten wasn't the best possible (Wally Tax later accused the manager of ripping the band off, but that's common history in the sixties). Nevertheless, the band started a frantic period of activity, releasing one album and seven singles between '66 and '67 for the label.The first Relax single is "Lying All The Time / Thinking About Today". The A-side is a touching tale of broken love (the dominant theme in Wally's lyrics of that period) which, despite the apparent banality ("Love is blind and my love was too blind to see / Love is blind and you made a fool out of me / And then I fell for you 'cause I thought that you loved me too / but you were lying, you were lying all the time"), is one of the most moving love songs ever. The single peaked at #45 in the 1966 Dutch top 100 (which is not bad at all considering that foreign bands outsold Dutch ones; the top Dutch band, the Golden Earrings, peaked at #13, while Q65, another beat legend from Holland, peaked at #35!) This 45, along with the following two ("Keep On Trying / That's Your Problem" and "Touch / Ballad Of John B."), shows The Outsiders at their best (and they were only 18!). "Keep On Trying" is another wonderful slow number while "Touch" and "That's Your Problem" are two classic examples of that "latent violence" I was writing about. These songs are also the ones that led to the Outsiders' rediscovery in the mid-80s, thanks to covers recorded by great bands like The Lyres and The Tell-Tale Hearts.1967 saw the release of the first Outsiders' album. This self- titled LP has to be heard to be believed! Side A features five killer (and previously unreleased) live tracks. The first song ("Story 16") consists of the same slow, tormenting riff played over and over with Wally raucously singing and playing harmonica, leading to a frantic finale. The rest of the side features Wally back to his typical mood, a "latent violence" tour de force designed to drive the listener mad! The studio side, again, is a series of classics, alternating slow and faster-paced numbers. The same year the band released 4 singles the second of which, "Summer Is Here / Teach Me To Forget You", reached the Dutch top ten.While 1967 saw the band at the zenith of their success (they even had a huge following in France), it also marked the beginning of their decline, despite television promotion and the release of a second album (SONGBOOK, released by Teenbeat magazine's label) consisting of a collection of songs already published by Relax on 45s (and on the first album). At this point things started mixing up. Appie Ramers and Tom Krabbendam quit (or were they fired?), replaced by Frank Beek (Bass, Guitar and Organ). Even Ronnie Splinter left the band for some weeks, while Wally Tax started a parallel solo career in a totally different direction, clearly showing the strong weight Ronnie Splinter had in their song writing collaboration. The (awful) picture on the SONGBOOK cover already shows the band as a four piece.In 1968, after a last Outsiders' single ("Cup Of Hot Coffee / Strange Things Are Happening"), Relax closed down and Van Setten sold the band to Polydor. Their first Polydor effort ("I Don't Care / You Remind Me") is "poppier" and very modern sounding, yet it is another wonderful record. This single also represents a landmark in the band's career: the music scene was changing at a fast pace and the naivety of the mid-sixties was over. At the same time, The Outsiders were maturing as musicians and needed to explore new directions, focusing more on their artistic needs than on commercial goals.In fact, as all their contemporaries, they fell victim of the "late 60's virus": experimentation. But while many other bands produced boring, pretentious, and useless records, The Outsiders came out with another amazing masterpiece, their swan song: C.Q. This album has it all. Dominated by a creepy reverb, it showcases all of The Outsiders' capabilities, featuring 13 wonderful songs which must be savored as a whole. The opening song, "Misfit", is a real punch in the stomach, and probably the toughest sounding Outsiders' song ever. Tracks two and three bring a sudden change in atmosphere, with their weird and scary feel. Track three, the title cut, in particular is the oddest song of the album, depicting a man desperately trying to establish a radio contact to report vital news ("Hello, this is the captain, ......, could I speak to your leader please? Do you receive me? Do you receive me? Do you receive me? DO YOU RECEIVE ME???? ), complete with white noises covering the words! The rest of the album consists of ten jewels, alternating rocking songs with gentler numbers, all dominated by a strange psychedelic feel. Some of the the obvious instruments of that era are present: flute, balalaika, strange percussion and various effects (no sitar or strings though!), but they are never used inappropriately and the arrangements never distract from the songs. The final result is a very modern album, way ahead of its time (as opposed to many other albums of that era which now sound outdated).The lyrics are more mature than in the previous recordings, as well. "Daddy Died On Saturday" narrates the tale of a rich young girl and a poor boy who are in love and want to marry. Impeded by the girl's father, they decide to poison the old man and marry anyway. "Prison Song" is the story of a man who comes out of prison and finds his woman with another man. Overwhelmed by his emotions he shoots her and runs away in a confused state. "Prison Song" may be the highlight of the album (along with "Misfit"). It is told in the first person and makes the character's emotions come to life: the tension as he approaches the prison door to exit, the overwhelming sensation when he's finally free (underscored by actual street noises); the joy of going back home to see his woman; the pain when he sees her with another man and understands what's happened while he was in prison; the shot; the heart pounding; and the despair of the escape.C.Q took six months to finish and all the care the band put both in composing and in recording it is evident, making it a near perfect album. ("Now we take our time to record songs. A few years ago we used to rush in the studio and cut a song as quickly as possible, then back home. That was it! The music scene is changing fast and so are we" - Wally Tax). Of course, despite critical acclaim, the album failed to sell, and the same was true of the featured single: "Do You Feel Alright / Daddy Died On Saturday", published in early 1969. Later on, Wally Tax laid part of the blame on Polydor, declaring that he felt that the Outsiders were deliberately put aside by the label in favor of the Golden Earrings, who had to keep on being Polydor's #1 band.Commercial failure and musical differences soon brought to the end of The Outsiders. They kept on experimenting together for a while, but in the autumn of 1969, Ronnie Splinter decided to quit his music career. Wally Tax, together with Leendert Bush, started his new project, Tax Free.But hey! There's no reason to be sad. Like The Remains used to sing: "All Good Things Don't Have To End". The Outsiders may be gone, but their songs are here to stay!" - Pop Floor[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"12267","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image","height":"200","width":"200"}}]][[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"12268","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image","height":"200","width":"200"}}]]
  • "Alternative Rock is not a genre that graces my ears very often, but as always, they are open; as is my mind. The funny thing is, any time I am exposed to something I wouldn't normally find myself listening to, there is always something about that band that has my wanting attention for one reason or another, be it the sound of the vocalist, the mixing, or those infectious hooks in the chorus. For its genre, the ANNEKE VAN GIERSBERGEN (formerly AGUA DE ANNIQUE) is perfectly postulated and is a leading act, with their non-repetitive writing (something I hear too often in commercial rock), excellent vocals and songs leaving you burning with an urge to sing along.Their latest release, "Drive", is no exception; as an album, it proves to be versatile, with no two songs sounding identical, but every song keeping the rhythm and mood to make the album fit piece by piece. "We Live On" feels like a typical pop-rock track, upbeat and driving, with an extremely powerful vocal performance in the choruses by Van Giersbergen. "Treat Me Like A Lady" does not want to be treated like a lady, and takes a noticeably heavier tone, brimming with attitude. "She" begins ever so modestly, making us think we're brought back to some level of calm, but explodes into an incredibly fast-paced chorus for such a Rock band, and includes yet another infectious chorus; something that is fast becoming an obvious highlight. "Drive" – I adore the sound of the bass in this song, the way it is dislocated from the drums, adds another dynamic. Van Giersbergen's even more stellar performance in the chorus demonstrates her large vocal range and versatility. Save for electric bass, "My Mother Said" is an entirely acoustic song and is the softest, most heartfelt song on the album; the band's namesake flawlessly demonstrates her ability to fit her voice around any song to emote any mood wants. "Forgive Me" is especially different, demonstrating unusual chord progressions, totally different instrumentation, and revealing even more, the extent of control that Van Giersbergen has over her range. "You Will Never Change" is upbeat and punchy, through-and-through with an – okay, let us just assume that every song on this album has an infectious chorus; definitely one of my favorites on the album. "Mental Jungle" begins with a strange, Arabic-sounding vocal melody, also featured on the chorus; I do indeed also love this chorus, as well as the interesting chord progressions. Quite easily the most unique song on the album, it strays from the pipeline rock sound that this record has been purveying. "Shooting for the Stars" takes the cake for the 'radiorock' track on the album, where every note, every beat, every lyric, screams commercialism and airtime. Not necessarily a bad song, but not the most interesting on the album. The album closes with "The Best Is Yet To Come" which makes me thing, Anneke has even better music to offer us in the future? The song itself takes first place on the album for me; the presence of the overdriven guitars and bass compliment her voice perfectly to create a powerful and catchy, yet Heavy Rock track, with interesting and unpredictable licks and hooks.Van Giersbergen and her band are quickly cementing themselves as one of Europe's currently most powerful and gorgeous-sounding rock groups, whom don't necessarily always cling to the commercialized, radio cliché sound, although no doubt perfectly suited to long air time. Coming from a metal head who listens to a fair share of female singers, I believe she could sing anything she wanted to, and the band of musicians that have got together and recorded this organic album with her have done so masterfully, and I'm not sure if the best is yet to come." - Metal Temple
  • This is the album that really broke the band in North America.  Hit after hit..."After years of writing hook-laden choruses and triumphantly buzzing riffs, this German band finally perfected the formula. A fine mix of poise and passion, Love at First Sting appeals to both angry metalheads and Top-40 aficionados." -- Jon Wiederhorn
  • "Dog & Butterfly became Heart's fourth million-selling album and placed two songs of opposing styles in the Top 40. Like their Magazine album, Dog & Butterfly peaked at number 17 on the charts, but the material from it is much stronger from every standpoint, with Anne and Nancy Wilson involving themselves to a greater extent. The light, afternoon feel of the title track peaked at number 34, while the more resounding punch of "Straight On" went all the way to number 15 as the album's first single. With keyboard player Howard Leese making his presence felt, and the vocals and guitar work sounding fuller and more focused, the band seems to be rather comfortable once again. Average bridge-and-chorus efforts like "Cook with Fire" and "High Time" aren't spectacular, but they do emit some appeal as far as filler is concerned, while "Lighter Touch" may be the best of the uncharted material. After this album, guitarist Roger Fisher left the band, but Heart didn't let up. 1980's Bebe le Strange showed an even greater improvement, peaking at number five in April of that year." - All Music GuideRemasetered version with 3 bonus tracks.
  • "Men Who Climb Mountains 2019 is an updated version of the 2014 release. This version is the same as the one included in the First 40 Years box set and only now becomes available as a separate release double CD. All the drums have been re recorded by new drummer Jan Vincent Velazco, and the whole album has been remixed by Karl Groom and Nick Barrett."Disc 1Belle AmeBeautiful SoulCome Home JackIn BardoFaces Of LightFaces Of DarknessFor When The Zombies ComeExplorers Of The InfiniteNetherworld Disc 2 Live At TwigsThe VoyagerA Man Of  Nomadic TraitsThis Green And Pleasant LandNostradamusPaintboxKing Of The CastleIndigo FreakshowMasters Of IllusionSpace CadetEdge Of The WorldIt’s only MeOur original write up:Its been three years since the last Pendragon album.  To be honest I hadn't checked in on them in quite some time so it was interesting to listen to their latest - it was very different from what I expected.  Guitarist Nick Barrett has gone all Roger Waters on us - he wrote all the music and lyrics - so this really has evolved very much into a personal vehicle for him.  The usual bandmates of Peter Gee and Clive Nolan are on board and now joined by new drummer Craig Blundell.  Men Who Climb Mountains is a concept album but Barrett isn't spelling it out - you're going to have to work at this one.  The musical mission of the band has clearly changed over the years.  Don't have any hesitation - its full on prog but much more contemporary sounding.  The symphonic flourishes from the old days aren't quite so obvious - which isn't to say you won't notice Clive Nolan's presence.  Its simply that this is a bit more of a guitar driven vehicle than decades ago and Barrett's mournful solos have that nice Hackett-esque feel that always draws my attention.  I have to say I'm impressed.  Highly recommended.
  • Still more material from the Olympia, Paris performances in 1980.
  • Legit live 2CD radio broadcast recorded in at Sendesaal, Bremen, Germany on 2/6/74 by Radio Bremen.  Magma-philes have been clamoring for an official release for years and MIG Music made it so.It features one of the great touring lineups:Christian Vander - drums & vocalsJannick Top - bassMichel Graillier - keyboardsGerard Bikialo - keyboardsClaude Olmos - guitarKlaus Blasquiz - vocals/percussion"Recorded by Radio Bremen, this double-CD document of a high sonic quality contains a slightly shorter than usual version of MEKANÏK DESTRUKTÏẀ KOMMANDÖH, and represents with the remaining tracks SOWILOI, DRUM SOLO and THEUSZ HAMTAAHK an indispensable supplement to MAGMA's other live albums."
  • Fourth studio album from Leprous reinforces the fact that they are one of the most innovative and cutting edge bands working in the prog metal idiom.  The music of Coal has already kicked up a bit of controversy from the early listeners.  The music isn't quite as angular and frenetic as Bilateral.  Atmospheric passages similar to Tall Poppy Syndrome are perhaps a bit more prevalant as well.  All in all it's clearly identifiable as Leprous.  Ihsahn guests on one of the tracks - don't forget Leprous is his backing band.  Nice guys - great band.  Highly recommended."Considering Leprous‘s previous album Bilateral is considered by many to be a masterpiece of progressive metal; Norway’s Leprous had a tall order in front of themselves. Coming up with a followup to such a critically acclaimed and beloved album is no doubt a daunting task. Despite that, after two long years of waiting, Leprous have conjured the successor to Bilateral, and it’s called Coal. Usually, when bands release an album after their magnum opus, the result is either a “version 2.0″ of the previous album, or it’s a return back to the normal style of the band. Leprous have taken a bold turn instead, and they have reinvented themselves. Coal is clearly a Leprous album, carrying all their trademark touches, but it’s also very fresh and unique.With Bilateral, the band were clearly rooted in a sound that has been defined by the big names of progressive metal. By applying their characteristic syncopation, moody riffs and singer Einar Solberg’s haunting and powerful vocals, they were able to perfect an already existing sound. With Coal, the band have taken a different direction. The album is very dense, emotional, and quite avant-garde at times. While there are some more traditional songs similar to Bilateral, there’s also an air of neo-80s on some songs, while others carry some characteristics of modern Scandinavian indie bands. Longtime fans of Leprous will definitely see the direction that has been present since the band’s inception, but listeners who know of them only via Bilateral might be slightly confused. In the end, Leprous have always been about mood, and Coal is oozing with it.In terms of structure, Coal is more similar to Tall Poppy Syndrome than Bilateral (but not too similar to either in the end). The songs are slow burners, setting up a mood, then deliberately building on it until overwhelming the listener with the climax. Everything is very subtle, the production making every hit of every instrument matter. Each song is an exercise in building an atmosphere by slowly adding layers to form a very powerful sound. Einar Solberg is at his best here, he has taken his voice to the next level. He was already an amazing vocalist, but Coal sees him becoming a master of expression. There are many progressive metal bands nowadays with clean singers who can hit insanely high notes and execute amazing melodies. But what is often lost is the soft touch, the control over timbre that makes one’s voice special. Einar is a master of timbre, and he uses his abilities to their full extent in Coal. While this is an album about the big picture and constructing an ambiance with the convergence of all instruments, his unparalleled vocal skills definitely deserve a special mention, because he is what hammers down the emotions and makes this album so special.As mentioned before, Coal is a deliberate album, where attention is paid to every instrument. And the production, by Ihsahn (who also has a stellar guest appearance on the closing track), is perfect for this. Especially of note are the drums, they sound very real and quaint. The intimate feeling of some of the songs can directly be attributed to the unconventional drum sound. The drumming has also taken a turn for the more subtle, with small flourishes and cymbal runs building tension in the more atmospheric sections of some songs. The bass is also clearly audible and adds to the sound. The guitar work isn’t as flashy as Bilateral for the most part, but it also has more character because of that. It should come as no surprise to longtime followers of the band, but Leprous are masters of doing more with less, and all of the instruments reflect this. Another production detail worth noting is the presence of keyboards. The keyboard work is more prominent now. In Bilateral it was used mostly to add some extra layers to parts driven by the guitars, but here the keyboards form the building blocks of the sound. This is perhaps what sets the album apart from Leprous’s previous work, the heavier focus on atmosphere and a dense aural landscape. This might be disappointing to some who preferred the more direct approach of Bilateral, as Coal is less “metal”, but the more developed sound suits the band.In terms of songs, Coal is a very diverse album. The first three songs and the closer can be interpreted as a direct evolution of the band’s sound from their previous work, then there is the extremely moody and emotional masterpiece “The Cloak”. This is where the album takes a turn for the introspective, as the rest of the songs are quite experimental and ethereal. Overall, the album has a very clear journey with a defined start and end, and it works quite well. Some of the later songs can feel like they last half a minute too long, but the deliberate pacing of the album makes more sense as is.In the end, it’s hard to deny that Coal is yet another masterpiece by Leprous. The songs ooze character and deliberation. Coal is expressive, emotional and brave. It might not be what everyone expected after Bilateral, but Leprous have defied expectations and raised the bar again." - Heavy Blog Is Heavy
  • This is one of the great albums from the Tangs.  It was recorded live in 1975 and features the classic Froese/Franke/Baumann lineup.  At this point they were at the pinnacle of their evil powers.New edition includes (as a bonus) the album remixed by Steven Wilson - so you get the original mix as well as Steven's.
  • Second full length studio album from this British band finds them with new vocalist Ashe O'Hara replacing the great Dan Tompkins.  This shouldn't be inferred that O'Hara is any less a vocalist than Tompkins - he's excellent as well.While the core djent sound is there the band has moved a bit more into a prog rock direction.  In general its less metal and more rock.  O'Hara's vocals don't go in the screamo direction that a lot of djent bands prefer.  The instrumental parts are still stupifyingly crazy but crazy in a King Crimson meets Tool way.  I'm not sure what the djent metal community will think of this shift in course but I like this new direction.  The old was good - to my ears this is better.  Highly recommended.
  • "While Ki was a rambling, spacious and highly melodic trip through a futuristic world of transcendental art rock and Addicted was a sparkling, sugar-drenched turbo-riff glitter bomb, the final two parts of Townsend’s latest masterwork take both him and his legion of listeners on a far less expected and disorientating journey. Part three, Deconstruction, is arguably the most deranged, complex and extreme record that Devin has ever made. Fans of Strapping Young Lad will almost certainly feel at home with its bug-eyed maze of riffs and breathtaking dynamics. Fans of Devin’s more mellow work will have to grit their teeth and hold on for dear life."
  • Digipak edition with one bonus track."Tasting The Tears in the ninth studio offering from Italian prog metal masters Eldritch. For those who are unfamiliar with the band, that is what we here at Lady Obscure are here to do! We shine the spotlight on bands that may have flown under the music fans radar. Eldritch perform a technical form of melodic progressive metal with elements of thrash metal thrown in to create a style that is instantly recognizable as Eldritch. Following up on the success of the bands previous album Gaia’s Legacy (which included an invitation to perform a powerful set at the famous ProgPower USA festival in 2011) is no easy task, but after several listens of Tasting The Tears, I can safely say that Eldritch are up for the challenge. After the global warming concept of Gaia’s Legacy, the band turns to more personal subject matter. The lyrics on Tasting The Tears share a common theme: love in all its different forms. Not exactly progressive metal forte but Eldritch pull it off thanks to vocalist Terence Holler’s emotive delivery and some excellent songwriting.Tasting the Tears was produced by Eugene Simone at ES Studios in Livorno, Italy. and mixing and mastering duties have been handled by Simone Mularoni (DGM) at Domination Studios in San Marino, Italy. The album combines melody, complexity, and dark compositions to create a cohesive album. The production is crisp and all the individual instruments are given a clear representation in the mix. The album kicks off with Inside You, a moody and catchy headbanger with a soaring melodic chorus, and lots of tasty riffs courtesy of the guitar duo of Eugene Simone and Rudj Ginanneschi. The title track features the keyboard wizardy of Gabriele Caselli overlapping the thrash metal machine gun drumming of Rafahell Dridge with melody. The mood takes on a melancholy and darker tone with Alone Again. The band combines the clean guitar tones with keyboards and Holler’s melodic voice combined with superb vocal harmonies. Based on the lyrical content, Waiting For Someone is a song about loneliness and the search for love. The music is heavy and progressive with plenty of melody and guitar crunch. Seeds of Love has a driving intense drums and chugging guitar rhythms. A piano intro starts of The Trade, a song of betrayal and the tone relects the seriously dark subject matter. The thrashing mad Something Strong is filled with brutal riffs, technical drumwork, and impassioned vocals. Don’t Listen the trash influence is apparent but Caselis keyboards and Hollers vocals add the perfect melodic touch. The band shows their diversity and takes a chance with the moody piano ballad Iris. The song is well done although personally I would rather hear the band rock hard. Luckily the next song Love From A Stone shows the band doing what they do best and that is playing intense and melodic prog metal.The energy is ramped up on Clouds, an intense heavy progressive song with some fantastic keyboard work and a fantastic memorable chorus. As with Gaia’s Legacy, the albums closing song is a cover song, this time of the Queensrÿche classic I Will Remember from Rage for Order. The song is given the Eldritch treatment with added piano and Holler’s voice which is drastically different from vintage Geoff Tate, but he adds his own unique spin to the song and make it his own. Is it better than the original? Of course not, but it is a faithful rendition and tribute to one of the bands influences and I commend the band for taking a chance on recording a song of this stature in the metal world.Although it is not a perfect album, s a fan of Eldritch, I can highly recommend Tasting the Tears. It’s not as heavy and lively as Gaia’s legacy or Blackenday, but being one of the lucky fans to catch their last U.S. performance, I can say that the band puts on a highly energetic show and one can only hope that they return to U.S. shores soon. Fans of melodic progressive metal with a touch of thrash will appreciate the latest Eldritch offering." - Lady Obscure